"Each WindRider has a special gift for the world. It is an honor to work with these kids."
~ Chris Keener,
Activities Director
Founder and Youth Director--Facilitating, training and coaching people since 1995, Heather Steele, owner of Steel Communications, Inc. and the Legacy Training Institute in Denver, Colorado offers family coaching, leadership training, self-growth workshops, seminars, healing retreats and coaching services throughout the United States and Carribean.

"Anything is possible with love and everything is easier with fun. My joy and honor is to work with these kids and make a difference in their incredible lives. My wish is that they experience as much wonder in themselves and each other at WindRiders as we do in them" --HS

We offer camps that create great experiences, unforgettable memories and a tool kit for life. The WindRider principles empower kids to create what works with others in community, flow with change and challenges in life and develop themselves in leadership and relationships.  We encourage them to fully feel while facing any obstacle with integrity, courage and confidence. We believe that all children have the ability to manifest their dreams regardless of circumstance. We practice leadership that makes a difference.

WindRiders Adventure Camp was created by Heather Steele and Christopher Keener with the intention of celebrating, empowering and supporting youth. Our Wyoming ranch (The Bit-O-Wyo Ranch) offers the western experience and independence of being away from home. It also provides outdoor adventure, horseback riding, a theater, art and outdoor activities. We have trained counselors that provide ongoing support, creative play and leadership training.
Founder and Activities Director--Chris has worked as a theater director, writer, actor and producer for the past thirty years. He has written and directed several plays for children, including “The Dinosaur Play,” “Twelve Angry Mice” and "Ribbit!" Through his business, The Performance Works, he has written and produced numerous award-winning scripts for live corporate events and videos.

"For WindRiders, 'first-time-ever' experiences are unforgettable--whether it's the first time ever riding a horse, the first time ever singing on stage, or the first time ever to hike Lost Canyon." --CK
"If you don't love Wyoming now, you will after visiting the Bit-o-Wyo Ranch." Dennis (Doc) Steele, Owner, Bit-o-Wyo Ranch